UMR 1332 Biologie du Fruit et Pathologie

UMR 1332 BFP : key elements

UMR 1332 - Bâtiment IBVM

Currently counting slightly over 150 staff members including non-permanent personnel, UMR 1332 BFP is a partnership between INRAE [Divisions of Biology and Plant Breeding (BAP) and Plant Health and Environment (SPE)] and the University of Bordeaux. It constitutes the major pillar of plant biology research in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Alongside its research activities, UMR BFP is heavily involved in teaching and training through research in plant sciences, microbiology and biochemistry.

Fascinating Plants Day 2024

01 July 2024

By: M.G. / C.C.

L'UMR participe en 2024 à l'évènement "Fascination of Plants Day"

La septième journée internationale de célébration des plantes, intitulée “Fascination of Plants Day”, a été lancée le 18 mai 2024 par des scientifiques du monde entier sous l'égide de l'Organisation Européenne pour la Science Végétale (European Plant Science Organisation, EPSO) le 18 mai.
AG 2024 - GPR Bordeaux Plant Sciences
Vendredi 21 juin 2024, toute la journée, sur le Campus de Pessac de l'université de Bordeaux, amphithéâtre GABA, bâtiment B5
This offer may be of interest to members of your network with a PhD in community ecology, metagenomics and/or viral ecology.
"Role of boundary genes in leaf morphogenesis and differentiation"

BFP Highlight


24 October 2023

By: M. Gauthier

BFP Highlight : The mechanism by which light stimulates the synthesis of ascorbate in plants elucidated !

The mechanism by which light stimulates ascorbate biosynthesis in plants has been elucidated: it is a protein related to phototropins whose inhibitory action on GDP-galactose phosphorylase is inactivated under blue light

28 November 2023

By: M. Gauthier

INRAE 2022 Laurels

Thierry Candresse receives the "Grand Prix for lifetime achievement"