
Technological and biological resources

The research teams of UMR 1332 BFP are heavily involved in the development of technological and biological resources supporting their research. These resources (technology platforms, biological collections, experimental infrastructure ...) are also widely open to the wider scientific community.

  • Our two technological platforms (Metabolome, and Plant Imaging) provide access to state-of-the-art equipment and expertise in support of projects from regional, national and international scientific communities. Their missions also involve technological development and training of staff and users. These platforms are locally integrated in the Bordeaux Research Facilities federative initiative and are recognized by the GIS IBiSA and by the Commission Nationale des Outils Communs (CNOC) of INRAE. The UMR also hosts two technical platforms for the viral indexing of plant samples by high throughput sequencing and for the development and use of viral vectors and protocols for virus-driven expression or virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) in plants.
  • Biological resources of strategic importance managed by UMR 1332 BFP are a collection of tomato EMS mutants (miniature MicroTom variety) and the associated phenotypic database and a collection of Phytoplasmas that is probably the largest in the world. For its part, the collection of phytopathogenic viruses is integrated into the EVA-Global European H2020 infrastructure project.
  • The experimental facility associated with UMR 1332 BFP manages a large pool of growth chambers and greenhouses for plant experimentation under biological containment conditions, including a High Containment greenhouse that meets the BSL3/BSL4 standards.
  • UMR 1332 BFP also contributes to two databases :
    The MeRy-B database, dedicated to plant metabolomics
    The Molligen database, dedicated to the comparative Mollicutes genomics developed in partnership with the Centre for Bioinformatics of Bordeaux, CBiB

Modification date: 14 August 2023 | Publication date: 29 April 2011 | By: Muriel Gauthier