Fascinating Plants Day 2024

01 July 2024

By: M.G. / C.C.

L'UMR participe en 2024 à l'évènement "Fascination of Plants Day"

La septième journée internationale de célébration des plantes, intitulée “Fascination of Plants Day”, a été lancée le 18 mai 2024 par des scientifiques du monde entier sous l'égide de l'Organisation Européenne pour la Science Végétale (European Plant Science Organisation, EPSO) le 18 mai.
AG 2024 - GPR Bordeaux Plant Sciences

18 June 2024

By: M.G.

Assemblée Générale 2024 - GPR Bordeaux Plant Sciences

Vendredi 21 juin 2024, toute la journée, sur le Campus de Pessac de l'université de Bordeaux, amphithéâtre GABA, bâtiment B5

11 January 2024

By: M. Gauthier/ A. Marais

INRAE is recruiting: a position for a researcher in our lab should be opened soon!

This offer may be of interest to members of your network with a PhD in community ecology, metagenomics and/or viral ecology.

13 May 2024

By: M.G. / N.B.

Lundi 10 juin 2024 - 11h00 - Salle IBVM : Séminaire avec Patrick Laufs

"Role of boundary genes in leaf morphogenesis and differentiation"
Affiche Workshop Microfluidics

18 April 2024

By: M.G. / M.M.

lundi 10 juin 2024 - Workshop Recent Trends in Microfluidics

Lundi 10 juin 2024 - Workshop "Recent Trends in Microfluidics" à l'ENSMAC - Pessac (Gironde)
Soutenance de thèse - Francesca Canuto

28 November 2023

By: M.G.

Thursday, December 7, 2023 - Thesis defense - Francesca Canuto

"Deciphering flavescence dorée phytoplasma adhesion to its insect vector cells"

17 October 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Monday, September 25, 2023 - Thesis defense - Mingshuo XUE

"HVA22a, a Plant-Specific Homolog of Endoplasmic Reticulum Shaping Proteins, is Involved in Potyvirus Propagation"

25 September 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Friday, September 22, 2023 - Seminar with Dr Jean-Marc Nuzillard

"Métabolites spécialisés : déréplication et analyse structurale automatique"

25 September 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Friday, September 15, 2023 - Seminar with Dr John Lunn

"Trehalose 6-phosphate – a sugar signal linking plant development to metabolism"

17 October 2023

By: Muriel Gauthier

Friday May 12, 2023 - Thesis defense - Jean-Philippe Mauxion

"Molecular regulators of endoreduplication and Tomato fruit growth"

17 October 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Friday, April 28, 2023 - Thesis defense - Gabriel Hoang

"Tomato mutants study provides new insights to the understanding of fruit development and yield regulation"

17 October 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Thursday April 27, 2023 - Thesis defense - Alexandre Prohaska

"Understanding the genetic architecture of agronomic traits to optimize a strawberry breeding program"

14 August 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Permanent position of research scientist opened in the UMR BFP

Here is an announcement for a permanent position of research scientist opened in the UMR BFP, Mollicutes team, in Bordeaux, France.

17 October 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Monday, January 30, 2023 - Thesis defense - Deborah Schönegger

«Analysis of the virome and reciprocal transfers of viruses between wild and cultivated carrot populations»

17 October 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Friday, February 3, 2023 - HDR defense - Bénédicte Wenden

«Predicting phenology: a molecular approach»

28 November 2023

By: M. Gauthier

INRAE 2022 Laurels

Thierry Candresse receives the "Grand Prix for lifetime achievement"

17 October 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 - Thesis defense - Maryam KHALILI

"Scanning the virome of Prunus: Identification and characterization of novel luteoviruses and secoviridae members"

17 October 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Wednesday, june 29, 2022 - Thesis defense - Gabrielle GUESDON

"Development of in-yeast genome cloning methods for the construction of semi-synthetic Bacillus subtilis-derived chassis strains"

17 October 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Thursday, May 12, 2022 - Thesis defense - Marie ALONSO

"Balance between sexual and asexual reproduction in strawberry: towards the construction of a gene network controlling the axillary meristem fate"

14 August 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Monday, April 25, 2022 - Thesis defense - Camille BRANCHEREAU

"Genotype x environment interactions study on sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) phenology"

17 October 2023

By: M. Gauthier

Wednesday April 20, 2022 - Thesis defense - Thomas DUSSARRAT

"Analysis of the metabolic features of plant extremophile species from the Atacama Desert"
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